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The Next Paradigm Shift in Philanthropy: The Inevitable Rise of Catalytic Capital
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The Next Paradigm Shift in Philanthropy: The Inevitable Rise of Catalytic Capital

In The Psychology of Human Misjudgment, Charlie Munger—Warren Buffet’s long-standing business partner—brilliantly describes the man-with-a-hammer-tendency as follows: ‘to a man with only a hammer, every problem looks pretty much like a nail’. Indeed, we all tend to look at the world in ways that are biased, or through a single theoretical or disciplinary lens, whether known or unknown to us. We use monochromatic lenses. It is time we broaden ‘how we see’.

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The India Philanthropy Alliance Two Years On
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The India Philanthropy Alliance Two Years On

Exactly 2 years ago, on the eve of Mahatma Gandhi’s 150th birthday and a major philanthropy summit organized by Indiaspora, we announced the formation of the India Philanthropy Alliance (IPA), an 11-member coalition of nonprofits active in the United States and India, with an article in the Stanford Social Innovation Review.

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Charting a New Frontier in Indian Medical Research
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Charting a New Frontier in Indian Medical Research

n the summer of 1921, a young surgeon named Frederick Banting and his student Charles Best, working in the laboratory of physiology professor JJR Macleod at the University of Toronto, made one of the greatest medical discoveries of the 20th century. They were the first to extract insulin from a dog’s pancreas and use it to successfully reduce blood sugar levels in other dogs and later humans.

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