Veganism: Evangelizing a Lifestyle

You've heard the term “vegan.” And you probably know the diet.  But do you know what “vegan” really stands for? Veganism is an outward symbol of a lifestyle focused on compassion and “jiv daya,” or “a compassion for all living beings.” There’s no doubt the vegan lifestyle is making its way into the mainstream news. Celebrities such as Beyonce, Ellen DeGeneres, Bill Clinton and Usher are now vegans. For life-long vegetarians, veganism brings the healthier and cruelty-free side of their diet to the forefront, meaning more options for us in grocery stores and restaurants. There is a lot of excitement around building a community that promotes non-violence, compassion, and veganism on a global level. It is important to encourage a healthy debate about what people are eating, and how food and lifestyle choices impact the world at large. To spread the positive impact of veganism, Jain Centers across the United States are banding together to celebrate World Vegan Day with events on the weekend of November 1, 2014. The goal of this day is to spread awareness of a more compassionate, plant-based lifestyle within the Jain community and extended community at large. To achieve this goal, a half day seminar will be hosted featuring documentary viewings, vegan and Jain lunch, and speakers covering a wide range of topics such as animal welfare, health, environment, and lifestyle. Sponsored by JAINA (Federation of Jain Associations of North America) and its Ahimsak Eco-Vegan committee, this event is mainly being coordinated by youth supporters, including Young Jain Professionals and Young Jains of America leaders. Events will be held in New York, Washington D.C., New Jersey, Houston, Detroit, Northern and Southern California. Click here to find out more and be a part of the celebration! 


Diwali Reminiscings


Modi at Madison Square Garden: Power of the Indian American Diaspora