Suriya Evans-Pritchard Jayanti


Western Session

Senior Fellow- Atlantic Council, Eurasia Center

Fireside Chat:  Geopolitical Perspectives on Climate Change

Suriya Evans-Pritchard Jayanti is a nonresident senior fellow at the Atlantic Council’s Eurasia Center and the co-founder and managing director of Eney, a US-Ukrainian decarbonization company. She also serves as energy transition counsel at the US Department of Commerce, where she advises foreign governments on how to formulate and implement their energy transition strategies. Before starting Eney, she represented the United States as an international attorney-advisor at the US Department of Commerce, helping countries all over the world reform and restructure their energy sectors to enhance their attractiveness to outside investment, and to secure their energy and independence. Prior to this, she served as a US diplomat with the US Department of State from 2012 to 2020. As well as assignments in Kuwait, the Bahamas, Iraq, and Washington, DC, she served as the US energy, cybersecurity, environment, science, technology, and health chief in Kyiv from 2018 to 2020. There, she worked closely with Ukrainian counterparts to help reform the country toward good governance, anti-corruption, and energy security. Before her diplomatic career, she worked as an attorney in the Brussels office of Hunton & Williams, and for Donahue & Goldberg in Washington, DC. She clerked from 2009 to 2010 for Chief Judge Eric Washington of the DC Court of Appeals.

Suriya has contributed to multiple textbooks and published in such venues as the Atlantic Council, TIME, the Globalist, and the Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA), as well as in law reviews at Georgetown, Rutgers, and American Universities, among others.

Originally from Los Angeles, she holds an undergraduate degree from Claremont McKenna College, a law degree from American University, and an LLM from Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, where she is also completing a PhD focused on the saga of Nord Stream 2.

Fun Facts: “I've written a novel. I've landed on an aircraft carrier. Once upon a time I was a beauty queen. I speak Haitian Creole but have never been to Haiti. I grow my own mushrooms (shiitake, golden and pink oysters).”


Dr. Arunabha Ghosh


Varun Sivaram